Wednesday, May 19, 2021

GOD rewards the CURIOUS child


Proverbs 8:17

King James Version

17 I love them that love me; 

and those that seek me early shall find me.

God can't be found in books.

He can be found in a BOOK.

Just one book.

The Holy Bible.

It's His book, after all.

Took me a while to appreciate that.

GOD allowed me to do research.

He knew my heart was set on truth.

He knew I'd find His truth.

He knew it would take a while.

For He also knew I'd be thorough.

And tenacious.

Wanting to find things out for myself.

Wherever my instincts led me.

Night and day, I searched.

God just looked on amusedly.

He knew I'd find Him some day.

One day.

Surely, it will be on a day He chooses.

So, He just let me search, exhaustively.

He watched as my head was drowning in books, literally, and figuratively.

He watched as I naturally gravitated to bookshops, every chance I could get.

He watched as I'd skip lunch, and dinner, just so I can scour second hand bookshops, for some find.

He didn't cringe as I bought, and read, books that didn't come from Him.

He knew, I'd know.


That something was left out.

That something wasn't right.

So, back to the bookshops I'd go.

I became a TRUTH sleuth.

Until I ran out of money.

I'd sell my old books, so I can buy new books.

I'd often come home with BAGS of books.

And yet, an essential piece was always missing.

Either the authors didn't know.

Couldn't know.

Or didn't want me to know.

Maybe, I was also in the wrong section.

God wasn't about to disturb my "exhaustive" search.

He looked patiently on.

He had all the time in the world.

I didn't.

This exhaustive exercise took a large chunk of my life.

But it was so worth it.

GOD knew my methods.

He knew I wouldn't stop, till I got to the bottom of things.

Of course, to do that, I'd have to hit rock bottom first.

I ran out of money.

I found myself stumped, dumbfounded, and exhausted.

There was always an elusive part missing.

The LORD took mercy, five months after I wanted real change.

He watched as I cringed at my sins, and all.

Took so long, but I finally came around.

A true 180-degree turn.

On the day of my surrender in 2019, GOD rewarded me:

1. He made me born again.

2. He led me to Scripture.

3. He led me to Bible prophecy.

4.He sent His Holy Spirit to teach me about Jesus.

5. He made Scripture easy to understand.

I felt like I hit a jackpot!

I didn't realize how thirsty I was for truth.

Sure, it will take many years for me to study the Bible.

But I'm on it.

Every day studies led to blogs, books, and posts.

As my Bible teacher recently remarked, I "manufacture", and God "distributes".

The Holy Spirit teaches, and I listen.

Until I'm sure I got His instructions right, I don't write.

When in doubt as to my own comprehension, I pray.

Jesus answers really fast.

I'm led to all the verses I can handle.

Spirit helps me organize my thoughts, and bingo!

An article, or blog, is born.

If you were to check my DNA, it would just say "Scripture".

They'd look for blood, but there's only JESUS' blood.

Or God, Jesus, Word of God, Holy Spirit, Bible, Rapture.

Now, all I do is live, and breathe, God.

Amos 5:4

King James Version

4 For thus saith the Lord unto the house of Israel

Seek ye me, 

and ye shall live:

If you're tired of self, of the world's lies, or are not going anywhere, make that declaration.

Admit you're stumped.

Admit you know nothing.

And open your heart to TRUTH.

GOD will give you His.

Your life will never be the same after that.

Related material:

BORN AGAIN articles

Image: Unsplash

Updated 26 November 2022


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