Thursday, January 12, 2023



Galatians 5:16

King James Version

16 This I say then, 

Walk in the Spirit, 

and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh.

You wouldn't know it, till you become born again.

That life has a clear purpose.

That life is worth living.

That there's a GOD you can trust.

That His truth will sustain you.

That you will be given work, that has value to others.

That there's no other book that matters, but the Bible.

That at any given moment, believers can meet JESUS up in the air.

And be forever with Him.

You wouldn't know all these, till you become born again.

Who decides when you'll become born again?

Only GOD has such power.

When does one become born again?

When your heart is true with GOD.

When you surrender to His knowledge.

When you admit you're lost, stupefied.

When you've run out of answers.

That's when you seek the heavens.

And cry your heart out, for an answer.

That's all GOD's waiting for.

The humbled heart.

The heart that ran out of answers.

The heart that can't piece things together.

The heart that wants to get things right.

The heart that wants ultimate answers.

The heart that seeks absolute truth.

When you're all that, GOD knows you're ready.

As He did with me, 44 months ago.

It's been quite a journey.

All the pieces of your life fit.

Once GOD makes you born again.

You begin to understand the whys.

And the wherefores.

All become clear.

All become magnificent.

All lead to JESUS.

Each day becomes an exciting journey.

You never know where SPIRIT will take you.

What lesson is in store for you.

The connections He will establish for you.

And all you have to do is have an open heart.

All the while, leaving your ego at the door.

Know nothing, and you will be given everything.

Now, I'm not talking about worldly wealth.

After 73 blogs, and hundreds of posts, SPIRIT had me figure that out.

It's never about the money.

It's always about GOD.

A desire to know Him.

To serve Him.

To serve others.

All, according to His will.

Understanding Scripture becomes simple.

SPIRIT sees to that.

Any question can be answered by the Bible.

SPIRIT will teach you what to ask.

What to look for.

Where to look.

All becomes clear.

Then you see the seamless whole of your life.

Oh, so that's why GOD gave me my family.

Oh, so that's why my parents are that way.

Oh, so that's why my siblings are the way they are.

Oh, so that's why my life seems tattered.

Oh, so that's why all the odd jobs.

Oh, so that's why I didn't get that job.

Oh, so that's why I ran out of money.

Oh, so that's why the world is the way it is.

Oh, so that's why I married this person.

Oh, so that's why I didn't marry.

The secret mysteries of your heart will be laid out.

No question will be left unanswered.

All because you believe in JESUS.

All because you pray to Him for guidance.

All because you love GOD.

All because you listen to the HOLY SPIRIT.

All because you've surrendered.

It's really all very simple.

Just know nothing.

Don't even pretend.

Just accept you know nothing.

For, we really don't.

Education won't do it.

It's but a piece to the puzzle.

The BIBLE has ALL the answers.

And it's been sitting there all this time.

Lots of versions of it.

Waiting for you to come around.

Knowing one day, you will.

On a day appointed by GOD.

He will even lead you to the version that's right for you.

He will let you make your mistakes.

He will wait for that surrender.

We surrender when we've run out of answers.

When what used to work, don't anymore.

When nothing makes sense anymore.

When you're totally stumped.

When you're totally broke.

When you're totally lost.

GOD waits for that human humbling.

He waits for that humbled heart.

The one that cries for an answer.

The one that even gets mad, or frustrated.

He knows the cloud will break.

The rain will fall.

Those tears will demand an answer.

When that day comes, GOD will be there.

Actually, He's always been there.

He's everywhere.

But we were nowhere.

READY for the LORD now?



Sick of sin?

GOD waits for you.

All you have to do is cry your heart out.

He will dry your tears.

And show you a better tomorrow.

The only bright tomorrow there is.

Related material:


BORN AGAIN articles

GOD's GLORY blogs

Image: Wallpaper Crafter


Hebrews 12:9 King James Version 9 Furthermore we have had fathers of our flesh  which corrected us, and we gave them reverence:  shall we no...